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Count on Leoht Africa to level the playing field for your company. Our professionals open doors that no one else can.

Commercial Diplomacy.

We can help you overcome trade barriers, bureaucratic problems, or unfair trade practices to ensure that your company has the best possible chance to sell its products and services in Africa, and overseas.

Leoht Africa has senior trade professionals who have experience working with the United Nations, World Trade Organization, Foreign Ministries of Trade & Industry, Foreign Affairs, Natural Resources, Central Banks, and a team of international trade lawyers.

Trade Advocacy

World-class advocacy through accredited diplomats and other foreign officials can give you the edge on your competition and help you when unanticipated problems arise.

Support can range from meetings by Leoht Africa with high level government officials and politicians, to letters and calls from high level authorities.

Leverage the resources and influence of Leoht Africa to level the playing field. Put the resources and authority of Leoht Africa behind your team in pursuit of international contracts or other export and investment opportunities. Our team stands ready to assist you.

The Process?

When a global company experiences a trade-related problem in Nigeria or African markets, our experts use a variety of tools to achieve a resolution, tailoring the approach to the company’s needs. These problems can range from short-term issues, such as getting a product through customs, to longer-term, systemic challenges, like foreign governments reserving an entire industry sector for domestic firms.

Our process is designated to ensure credible support of the national interest and engagement of Government officials, leading to more effective advocacy for your organisation.

The steps include:

  •  Your organisation submits an Advocacy Questionnaire and Anti-Bribery Agreement.
  •  We vet companies to ensure that only reputable and legitimate businesses receive support.
  •  We work with partners and stakeholders to create the best Advocacy strategy.
  •  Your firm receives coordinated Government support for your international business efforts.

The process starts when a company reports a trade barrier to us with a call or an e-mail describing the problem, its impact on the company’s ability to export and the desired resolution.

After receiving the background information, we will assemble a coordinated team to work on the problem.